Is Drinking Hot Chocolate Still A Good Choice To Cure A Common Cold

Is Drinking Hot Chocolate Still A Good Choice To Cure A Common Cold?

Anything is comforting when you’re nursing a common cold, right? One moment you’re lounging on the couch, a tissue box by your side, and a cup of steaming hot chocolate in your hand. But have you ever wondered if that delicious brew you’re sipping could actually be helping you combat your cold? Let’s dig into this proposition.

Could your hot chocolate be more than just a comforting drink on cold days?

We all have our favorite drinks when we’re feeling under the weather. Whether it’s a floral tea, a warming soup, or that nostalgic hot chocolate, we tend to find solace in these options. But do these beverages offer a way out of the sniffles, sneezes, and general discomfort a common cold brings? Or are they just a placebo effect, a mental comfort more than a physical one? The answer might surprise you.

  • Hot chocolate and colds: Is there a connection?
  • What makes hot chocolate a potentially good choice for a cold?
  • The science behind hot chocolate and colds.

Stay tuned as we dive into the correlation between hot chocolate and colds, the possible health benefits of cocoa, the primary component of hot chocolate, and the scientific research that corroborates or dismisses the notion of hot chocolate as a cold remedy.

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What are the common ingredients in hot chocolate that may have an impact on cold symptoms?

Hot chocolate, a delightful concoction for chilly days, is made primarily with milk, cocoa, and sugar. But how exactly do these ingredients interact with those pesky common cold symptoms that you’re experiencing? It may surprise you to find out.

First off is milk. While not a cure in itself, the creaminess of milk in hot chocolate can soothe a sore throat. That’s not all; milk serves as an excellent comfort food, and when you’re dealing with the discomfort of a cold, the psychological benefits of comfort can’t be overlooked. It may even help you get that much-needed rest!

Next, there’s cocoa, the star ingredient in hot chocolate. Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that have been found to support the immune system. While it won’t directly banish your cold, it does help to bolster your body’s defences. It’s worth noting that not all hot chocolate drinks have a high cocoa content, so you’d need a good dark chocolate for maximum flavonoid benefit.

Last, but certainly not least, there’s good old sugar. Although sugar doesn’t have any medicinal properties against the common cold, its sweetness can surely lighten your mood. After all, isn’t there something to be said for the healing power of a little happiness during a bout of feeling so sick?

In conclusion, while hot chocolate’s ingredients aren’t a knockout cure for the common cold, they can offer a soothing comfort that, coupled with the body’s natural healing processes, can make you feel better as you recover. As rewardingly rich as it is nostalgically soothing, hot chocolate is less of a cure-all elixir and more of a warming companion for cold-fighting.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with consuming hot chocolate while having a common cold?

When you’re under the sheets with a nostril-blocked cold, reaching for a comforting cup of hot chocolate may seem like the best course of action. However, despite its delightful taste and warmth, it’s crucial to be cognizant of potential side effects or risk factors associated with consuming hot chocolate while under the weather.

Firstly, the sugar content in hot chocolate can be a concern. While sugar may provide a temporary boost, it can interfere with your immune system’s response to illness, potentially prolonging your recovery. That’s why it’s important to opt for low-sugar or unsweetened alternatives.

  • Consuming hot chocolate may seem soothing, but it can contribute to dehydration, which is the last thing you want during a cold. Adequate hydration helps thin mucus and makes it easier to expel, thereby aiding in your recovery.
  • The caffeine present in cocoa can also be problematic. It can interfere with your sleep patterns, which could potentially delay your recovery since restful sleep is key to fighting colds and other infections.
  • Hot chocolate is typically made with milk, and dairy products can increase mucus production in some individuals. Therefore, it is possible that consumption of hot chocolate may exacerbate symptoms of congestion in certain people.

It’s always crucial to listen to your body and consider these potential implications. Remember, hot chocolate should be consumed in moderation. Pair it with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to provide your body with the necessary ammunition to fight off the common cold.

Remember, while comfort is important, prioritizing your health and choosing the most suitable remedies to alleviate your cold symptoms should be your top priority.

What is the recommended dosage or frequency of consuming hot chocolate for treating cold symptoms?

Now that we’ve established that enjoying a steaming cup of hot chocolate might help relieve some symptoms of a common cold, let’s take a closer look at how frequently you should indulge in this tasty treatment.

While we’d all love to sip hot chocolate all day, the question of appropriate frequency isn’t as clear-cut. Remember, moderation is key to everything, and hot chocolate is no exception. It’s also essential to remember that hot chocolate should not be considered a primary remedy for cold symptoms but more of a comforting supplementary support.

There are a few factors you should think about when determining how much hot chocolate to consume:

  • The Severity of Your Symptoms: If you’re feeling under the weather but don’t necessarily have a fever or a severe cough, one cup of hot chocolate may suffice just for the comfort and relaxation it brings. Conversely, if you’re feeling rather ill with strong cold symptoms, up to two cups might help alleviate the discomfort.
  • Sugar Content: Hot chocolate can contain a significant amount of sugar, so consider your overall daily intake. Too much sugar can inhibit immune function, which you don’t want when you’re trying to fight off a cold. Going for a lower-sugar option or making your own with dark chocolate and minimal sugar is a healthier choice.
  • Your Daily Caloric Intake: If you’re mindful of your diet, remember that hot chocolate can be high in calories. Incorporate these calories into your daily intake so you can ensure a balanced nutrient intake while recuperating.

A good rule of thumb might be to limit your hot chocolate consumption to 1-2 cups per day during a cold, depending on these factors. Monitor your body’s reaction and adjust accordingly; remember to always prioritize your well-being first.

Moreover, always ensure to hydrate with lots of water and intake a balanced diet along with your hot chocolate to properly fuel your body’s immune system in the fight against the cold. While hot chocolate can provide some relief, it’s not a standalone solution to treating a common cold.

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Are there any alternative remedies or drinks that have been proven to be more effective in treating a common cold compared to hot chocolate?

While the nostalgic appeal and comforting warmth of hot chocolate can certainly provide some temporary relief during a bout with the common cold, it’s not necessarily the most effective beverage for combating this condition. A number of other drinks and natural remedies may offer more substantial benefits. Let’s delve into some alternatives that have held up under the scrutiny of scientific research.


Various forms of tea, including green, black, and especially herbal teas like ginger and chamomile, are renowned for their medicinal properties. The heat can soothe a sore throat and break up congestion, while the antioxidants in tea can help boost your immune system. Adding honey to your tea can also coat and soothe an irritated throat.

Chicken Soup:

This traditional remedy contains a variety of ingredients that can ease cold symptoms. The warm broth can help soothe a sore throat and act as a natural decongestant, while the protein from the chicken can give your immune system a boost. Plus, it’s both nutritious and hydrating!

Water and fruit juices:

Hydration is key when you’re battling a cold. Dehydration can exacerbate your symptoms and prolong your illness. Water is a perfect choice, but fruit juices, especially those rich in vitamin C, such as orange or grapefruit juice, can also be beneficial in boosting your immune system and helping you recover quicker.

Hot Water with Lemon and Honey:

This simple concoction is both hydrating and soothing. The vitamin C from the lemon can help combat your cold, the honey provides a natural throat coat, and the heat from the water can help soothe irritation and congestion.


In conclusion, although hot chocolate does not scientifically cure the common cold, it can certainly bring some comfort while dealing with symptoms. Cozying up with a warm mug of hot chocolate can soothe a sore throat and provide temporary relief from coughing. Additionally, the psychological boost and sense of well-being one might get from a mug of hot cocoa can indirectly aid in recovery.

The choice of drink can also be boosted by adding other ingredients known to help fight a cold. Some suggestions include cinnamon for its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, honey to ease a sore throat, or a splash of your favorite citrus juice to provide vitamin C.

Please note that it’s essential to remember that true recovery from a common cold primarily revolves around hydration, rest, and proper nutrition. Over-the-counter medication can provide symptom relief, and if your symptoms persist for more than a few days, you should seek professional medical advice. In other words, while that hot cocoa can comfort you, it should not be your primary treatment against the common cold.

Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate can be a soothing experience when you have a cold, but don’t rely on it alone to get you back to full health. Listen to your body and give it the rest, nutrition, and hydration it needs to recover fully.

Lastly, it’s also worth noting that everyone’s body responds differently to various remedies. Some might find relief with hot chocolate, while others might prefer different methods, from sipping on hot ginger tea to inhaling eucalyptus-infused steam. Remember, it’s all about listening to your body and providing it with whatever helps you feel better.

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Can hot chocolate really help cure a common cold?

While hot chocolate cannot “cure” a common cold, it can sometimes offer brief relief from some symptoms, such as a sore throat. The warm liquid may help soothe your throat, and the sweetness might make you feel better, albeit temporarily.

Is there a particular kind of hot chocolate that is more effective?

Generally, there is no specific type of hot chocolate that is more effective than others when it comes to alleviating cold symptoms. However, opting for a version with less sugar and more pure cocoa could have additional health benefits due to the antioxidants present in cocoa.

Should I prefer hot chocolate over prescribed medications?

Absolutely not. It’s important to remember that hot chocolate is not a proven remedy or replacement for prescribed medications. It might provide some momentary relief, but it’s essential to follow the professional advice of healthcare providers for the actual treatment of a common cold.

Is it possible that hot chocolate can make my cold symptoms worse?

In general, hot chocolate shouldn’t make your cold symptoms worse, but if you have an allergy to any of its ingredients (like milk or cocoa), it’s best to avoid it. Also, the high sugar content in some versions can act as an inflammatory agent, which could potentially exacerbate symptoms.

Can children and elderly people drink hot chocolate when they have a cold?

Yes, provided they are not allergic to any of the ingredients and the beverage is not too hot. It can act as a comfort drink and might momentarily relieve symptoms like a sore throat.

How often should I drink hot chocolate when I’m suffering from a cold?

There’s no set limit. You can enjoy hot chocolate as you normally would. Just remember, though it may provide temporary relief, it’s not a cure. And if it’s a high-sugar version, you might want to limit your intake to avoid excessive sugar consumption.

What are the alternative drinks to hot chocolate for cold relief?

Herbal teas such as peppermint, ginger, or chamomile are often recommended. They are generally lower in sugar and have properties that can alleviate symptoms like congestion, coughing, and sore throats. Honey and lemon water are two other commonly suggested drinks.

Can I add anything to my hot chocolate to enhance its benefits?

Some people like to add a touch of cinnamon or turmeric, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. But remember, these additions will not transform your hot chocolate into a medical cure.

Why do I feel better after drinking hot chocolate when I have a cold?

This is mostly due to the comfort factor. The warmth and sweetness of hot chocolate can induce feelings of comfort and relaxation, which might make you temporarily feel better while suffering from a cold.

Does the effect of hot chocolate on cold symptoms solely depend on its ingredients?

To a large extent, yes. Hot chocolate might help soothe a sore throat because of its warmth and texture, but it doesn’t contain ingredients that actively fight cold symptoms.

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