Why Are People Putting Cheese In Their Hot Chocolate

Why Are People Putting Cheese In Their Hot Chocolate?

If you’ve been noticing a peculiar trend of people adding cheese to their hot chocolate and are wondering, “Why on earth would someone do that?” then you’re not alone. Many people are now experimenting with this intriguing combination, and there is more to it than you might think!

“Cheese in hot chocolate?” you might be wondering. “That’s got to be some new, weird foodie trend…” – But before you write it off as nonsense, let’s delve a bit deeper into the origins of this intriguing pairing and why it has gained popularity.

The History Behind the Combo

Believe it or not, the tradition of putting cheese in hot chocolate dates back centuries and originates in Latin America, particularly Colombia. It’s not your typical cheddar cheese that we’re talking about, but a particular kind of cheese, largely similar to mozzarella.

Here’s a quick glimpse of what you can expect in this article:

  • The origins of this peculiar combo
  • What type of cheese is used and why?
  • How to properly combine cheese and hot chocolate
  • The surprising health benefits of this mix

Stay tuned as we explore everything you need to know about cheese in hot chocolate, debunk a few myths, and perhaps convince you to try this surprisingly delightful combo!

Read also: Can I Make Hot Chocolate With Chocolate Chips?

What is the origin of adding cheese to hot chocolate?

The practice of adding cheese to hot chocolate traces its roots back to Colombia, a South American country acclaimed for its vibrant culture and diverse culinary traditions. This peculiar beverage, known as ‘chocolate con queso’ in Spanish or literally ‘hot chocolate with cheese,’ is a beloved part of the typical Colombian breakfast and is often served with freshly baked bread.

Traditionally, families would gather around steaming mugs of hot chocolate after morning mass, dunking pieces of semi-hard cheese in the drink and waiting for them to melt. This ritual turned a simple breakfast into a heartwarming tradition of sharing stories and creating memories.

Of course, you’re probably wondering: Is it as unusual as it sounds? At first, the cheese and hot chocolate pairing may seem like a bit of a culinary conundrum. However, upon tasting, it’s easy to understand why the tradition has stood the test of time. The cheese’s salty and creamy flavor complements the rich, sweet chocolate, creating a gastronomic symphony that dances between sweet and savory.

Over time, this signature blend of flavors and early morning camaraderie has continued to echo through Colombian households, cafes, and restaurants, each sip capturing the warmth of family and the essence of Colombian heritage. Woven into the fabric of society, this unique custom has retained its charm, taking each generation back to one of their earliest introductions to the magical allure of hot chocolate laced with cheese.

It’s a tradition that beautifully illustrates the role of food and drink in creating and fostering shared experiences and connections, underscoring the often underestimated potential for common ingredients to forge senses of belonging and home.

What types of cheese are commonly used in hot chocolate?

When it comes to adding cheese to hot chocolate, the type of cheese you choose plays a pivotal role in shaping the experience. In fact, it’s all about striking the right balance between the strong, distinctive flavor of cheese and the rich sweetness of chocolate. Different regions and cultures have their own unique go-to options, and let’s delve into a few.

  • Queso Fresco: Originating in Colombia, queso fresco, or fresh cheese, is a popular choice. It’s a mild, soft, and creamy cheese that, when melted into hot chocolate, creates a pleasant, slightly salty contrast against the sweetness of the cocoa.
  • Mozzarella: Yes, the famous pizza topper comes into play here. Mozzarella adds a nice stretchy texture to the cocoa, with its mild flavor subtly enhancing the overall taste without overpowering it.
  • Cheddar: While not as commonly used, cheddar cheese, with its strong flavor, can complement a rich, dark, hot chocolate very well. It’s an adventurous choice for those who prefer a bolder taste in their cup.
  • Swiss Cheese: Swiss cheese adds a smooth texture to hot chocolate and imparts a delicate flavor that pairs perfectly with the decadent sweetness of the beverage.
  • Panela: Another worthy mention is panela, a Colombian cheese whose melt-in-the-mouth quality creates a luxurious feel to your cocoa drink. It’s a stellar option for those who prefer a cheese that blends seamlessly with their drink.

With a multitude of cheese varieties around the globe, the possibilities are truly endless. It’s about personalizing your hot chocolate experience, experimenting with flavors, and unearthing combinations that tantalize your taste buds. Remember, the ideal type of cheese will offer a unique subtlety and complexity to the richness of hot chocolate without overwhelming it.

Remember, there is no such thing as a ‘wrong’ cheese to pair with your hot chocolate, it’s all about individual preference. Soamp up your culinary curiosity and don’t shy away from a little cheesy-cocoa experimentation!

What does cheese add to the taste and texture of hot chocolate?

If you’re wondering what could possibly attract someone to dunk a slab of cheese into a warm cup of hot cocoa, you’re not alone. The flavor combination might seem odd, but let’s break it down and see what cheese does to your beloved hot chocolate, shall we?

At its core, this phenomenon involves meticulously handcrafting two independent delicacies: hot chocolate and cheese. Mixing them creates a harmony of flavors and an amazing textural experience. But, how exactly?

  1. Flavor: Cheese, especially when it’s of a milder type, imparts a subtle salty touch to the sweet and rich cocoa drink. This interplay between saltiness and sweetness adds an unexpected but delightful twist to your ordinary hot chocolate.
  2. Texture: As the cheese melts slowly in the hot liquid, it gives the drink a creamy and velvety texture. This change in texture introduces a lovely contrast to the smoothness of the hot chocolate, making each sip an enticing pleasure.

Imagine this: a delicate hint of saltiness enriching your velvety smooth, sweet hot chocolate, and the creamy consistency introduced by the melting cheese. It’s a true case of culinary innovation and an exploration of flavors that makes hot chocolate with cheese an exquisite treat!

Moreover, the key here is balance. Just like adding a pinch of salt to baking recipes enhances the overall sweetness instead of stealing the show, cheese works its magic in hot chocolate by slightly modifying flavor profiles and contributing to a satisfying, multi-layered beverage.

It’s all about experimenting with contrasting flavors and textures to create a deliciously balanced cup of hot chocolate. So, go ahead and explore this unconventional combination; who knows? You might just find your new favorite cold-weather comfort drink.

As the saying goes, “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!” The trend of sprinkling cheese into hot chocolate may not be that dissimilar from the western tradition of adding marshmallows. Essentially, it’s about enhancing the sensory experience and finding pleasure in a hearty, comforting drink.

Read also: Can You Put Kahlua In Hot Chocolate?

How has the trend of adding cheese to hot chocolate spread globally?

You won’t believe it, but the unusual yet delightful pairing of cheese and hot chocolate has fascinated taste buds around the globe!

Just like any notable culinary trend, the spread of this unique combination was facilitated by several key factors.

  1. Globalization: In the era of the internet, ideas travel faster than ever, and food trends are not left behind. Social media platforms, food blogs, and cooking shows played an essential role in popularizing the concept of adding cheese to hot chocolate, reaching people from different cultural backgrounds and geographical locations.
  2. Cultural Exchange: Cultural exchange and migration contributed significantly. As Latin Americans moved to various parts of the world, they took their food culture with them, including the tradition of cheese in hot chocolate.
  3. Curiosity of Foodies: Today’s adventurous food lovers are open to trying non-traditional recipes and unique flavor pairings. This adventurous spirit helped cheese-loaded hot chocolate find its way into homes and cafes all around the globe.
  4. Specialty Cafes: Specialty cafés worldwide started incorporating this distinct blend into their menus, further escalating its popularity. These trendy spots provided the perfect avenue for the adventurous caffeine lover to try something outlandishly new and surprisingly delicious.

It’s a fascinating coincidence how a simple home tradition from one corner of the world can turn into a global trend. That’s the beauty of food—it knows no boundaries!

Global Popularity: A Snapshot

Let’s get a quick snapshot of how cheese in hot chocolate has gained popularity in some specific regions.

Country Popularity
USA Adventurous food bloggers and cafes popularize the unique mix, with various big cities seeing it as an emerging food trend.
Canada Known for its love of dairy products, the trend received a warm welcome, especially during the winter.
United Kingdom British folks, with their enduring love for tea and dairy, showed interest in the cheese-hot-chocolate combination, and the trend is gradually catching on.

So, next time you reach for the familiar comfort of a steaming mug of hot chocolate, remember, there’s a whole world of cheesy possibilities waiting for you!

What are the health benefits or concerns of consuming hot chocolate with cheese?

Ever thought about the health implications of combining the indulgent hot chocolate with a slice of cheese? It might be surprising, but this rather unique pairing could offer some potential health benefits. It’s also crucial to consider the potential drawbacks, as with anything that is consumed in moderation.

Benefits: A Different Kind of Wonder Duo

  • Cheese: Starting with cheese, it is a great source of calcium and protein, which are key for maintaining good bone health and muscle growth. Depending on the type of cheese used, it can also be a source of vitamins such as vitamin A and B-12.
  • Hot Chocolate: Cocoa, the main ingredient in hot chocolate, is packed with antioxidants and can contribute to a healthier heart when consumed in moderation. It may also help improve brain function and mood.

Now let’s dive into the health concerns that should be noted while enjoying this unusual treat.

Concerns: Keep Moderation in Mind

  • High Caloric Content: Both hot chocolate and cheese are often high in calories. This can potentially lead to weight gain if not consumed mindfully.
  • Sugar and sodium: These two components could provide a double whammy. Hot chocolate can be high in sugar, while cheese often contains substantial amounts of sodium. Both elements need to be kept at bay for individuals with diabetes or high blood pressure, respectively.
  • Lactose Intolerance: Individuals with lactose intolerance may experience discomfort from consuming cheese or milk-based hot chocolate.

As with any food or drink, the key is always moderation and control. You don’t have to forgo the joy of savoring cheese-infused hot chocolate. Just make sure to keep an eye on the portion sizes and type of cheese you use, and enjoy this intriguing blend in balance.


In summation, the practice of adding cheese to hot chocolate presents a unique fusion of flavors that has existed for many years, especially in countries like Colombia and Sweden. With its rich and warm chocolatey liquid combined with the distinct savory taste and textural counterpoint of cheese, it provides a unique taste experience that has been savored by generations.

Despite seeming unusual to some, the trend of adding cheese to hot chocolate has been steadily gaining popularity worldwide. As the world becomes more and more interconnected, we share culinary practices, experiment with new ideas, and broaden our palates. It’s an exciting time for gastronomy, and unusual combinations like these help us step out of our comfort zones and engage with unfamiliar foods and flavors.

Remember, the wellness implications of consuming hot chocolate with cheese depend largely on the quantity consumed and the type of cheese used. While it can be a fun and unique indulgence, moderation is key to maintaining balanced nutrition.

If you’re a fan of adventurous food experiences or simply love chocolate and cheese, why not give this combination a try? You might just discover your new favorite twist on a beloved classic. So next time you’re sipping on a cup of hot chocolate, don’t forget to drop in that piece of cheese. Enjoy your hot chocolate like never before!

Read also: Can Hot Chocolate Keep You Awake?


Is it safe to consume hot chocolate with cheese?

Yes, it is. Combining dairy products is not uncommon, and hot chocolate with cheese is just another delightful fusion. However, as with any food or drink, moderation is key, especially if you have specific dietary restrictions or lactose intolerance.

Does the cheese melt completely in the hot chocolate?

Depending on the type of cheese used and the temperature of the hot chocolate, the cheese might not fully melt. Aged cheeses or those with lower melting points can often become soft and gooey while remaining partially solid, providing an interesting texture to the drink.

Is this trend popular only during the winter?

While it’s true that the warm and comforting nature of hot chocolate makes it a favorite winter drink, inserting cheese can be an experiment any time of the year. You’ll find the trend catching on at different times, depending on cultural contexts and personal preferences.

Can other types of beverages use cheese as an ingredient?

Absolutely! Cheese can be added to a variety of beverages, like tea and coffee. In fact, ‘cheese tea’, which originated in Taiwan, has gained worldwide popularity in recent years.

Which countries are most known for putting cheese in their hot chocolate?

Countries like Colombia and Switzerland are probably the ones most synonymous with cheese in hot chocolate, but you’ll find this unusual combination in many other cultures as well.

Is it a sweet or savory drink?

The savory taste of cheese, balanced with the sweet flavor of hot chocolate, results in a drink that’s kind of both. The exact taste profile can differ based on the type and quantity of cheese used and other added ingredients like sugar or spices.

Can vegans enjoy this beverage?

Vegans can twist this concept by using plant-based cheese and non-dairy hot chocolate. This way, they can enjoy a vegan-friendly version of this cheesy hot beverage.

Is it similar to fondue?

The idea seems similar, but a big difference is the proportion of cheese. Fondue typically uses a lot more cheese, and it’s usually consumed by dipping bread or other foods in it, whereas with cheese in hot chocolate, you’re sipping it.

Does the cheese affect the nutritional benefits of hot chocolate?

Yes, it does. Cheese provides additional proteins and fats for the beverage. However, the nutritional benefits also come with more calories. It’s a good idea to enjoy this hearty drink in moderation.

Will putting cheese in my hot chocolate spoil the drink?

No, adding cheese doesn’t spoil the drink. As mentioned before, cheese and dairy products are often mixed in cooking and beverages. But it does take a bit of getting used to the new texture and flavor.

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